❶ We will comply with the laws, regulations, and other social norms concerning personal information, as well as our personal information protection management rules and other rules and regulations.
❷ In accordance with the Basic Policy on Information Security, the Company shall appropriately manage your personal information and implement safety control measures against the risk of unauthorized access to, leakage of, loss of, or damage to your personal information.
❸ Your personal information shall be handled appropriately, as follows:
⑴ Specification, Notification and Publication of Purpose of Use
We will specify the purpose of using your personal information in as much detail as possible.
When acquiring your personal information, the purpose of use shall be publicly announced in advance, or you shall be promptly notified, either privately or publicly, after this acquisition.
⑵ Acquisition and Handling
Your personal information shall be obtained by appropriate means and handled within the scope of the specified purposes of its use.
However, when a Personal Number (Note 2) is provided, the identity of the individual shall be verified. When there is no longer a need to use the Personal Number, this data shall be promptly disposed of or deleted.
⑶ Third-Party Provision
Personal data (Note 3) shall not be provided to third parties without your consent, except as stipulated by law or in cases of outsourcing.
However, Personal Numbers will not be provided to third parties, except as required by law.
(4) Response to Requests for Notification or Disclosure
In principle, we will promptly respond to your requests for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties of your retained personal data (Note 4).
❹ We will regularly review and improve our efforts to protect your personal information.
❺ In the event of a serious complaint, top management shall take the initiative in resolving the problem,
investigating the cause, taking immediate corrective action to prevent its recurrence, and disclosing information in a prompt and accurate manner.
In addition, a system shall be established to appropriately and promptly respond to complaints about the handling of personal information.
Note 1 : Information that can identify a specific living individual
Note 2 : The Personal Number (Japan’s so-called “My Number”) is defined in the “Act on the Use of the Number to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures” (Act No. 27 of 2013).
Note 3 : The personal data that is used for “personal information databases” which are systematically constructed to enable retrieval of personal information.
Note 4 : Personal data that the handling entity has the authority to disclose, or which it may correct, delete, or suspend the usage of.
Regarding Our Use of Cookies
For the purpose of improving the quality of our services and providing better services to our customers,
we may send our cookies to your browser (computer) and refer to our cookie information stored on your computer.
Our cookie information stored on your computer allows us to collect information about your use of our services,
your activity history within the websites we manage, and other information. If you do not wish to receive our cookies,
you can refuse to receive them or delete them by changing the settings on your browser.
Regarding Our Access Log
Our website records the information of those who access our website in an access log.
The recorded information includes the IP address of the person accessing the site and the access date and time,
but it does not include information that can identify individuals. The purpose of keeping an access log is to manage our website, analyze its usage, and improve our services.
Changes to the Basic Policy on Protecting Your Personal Information
Whenever we change the personal information we collect, change the purpose of use,
or make any other adjustments to our Basic Policy on Protecting Your Personal Information, we will make a public announcement by changing the information on this page.
Contact Us
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us by using the form below.